About Us

Harkaway Primary School   65 King Road   Harkaway   VIC  3806  

  Ph: 03 9707 1475    E:  harkaway.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au

Our students experience:

High quality teaching and learning

Small class sizes, with language and learning support

A buddy system from Prep to 6 

Art classes

Music classes

Strong sporting programs

Before and after school care

Camp program

Student leadership 

Expansive school grounds

Where we are

Connecting to our community through:

Local Action Teams

Kids Teaching Kids

Kitchen Garden Cook off

Kids Matter

Supporting our local heritage

Teaching and Learning

We want every student to have the power to shape their world. This means that we teach the skills, knowledge and understandings that each child is ready to learn. In our school, we have developed a unique approach to teaching and learning. We plan, teach and review in teams with multi-age classes. Our focus is on improving literacy, numeracy and global education skills for all learners. Building on this, our ‘Discovery Learning’ framework allows for curiosity and deep learning to happen across the curriculum. 

Our program of instruction ensures that our learners have rich, meaningful and engaging learning experiences from prep to grade six and beyond!